The humans who realize the harmonious essence of interaction between the heavenly and earthly elements, are guided by the attraction of harmonious love accumulated in their souls in different lives, and, just having left their bodies, they can move to the structures of the subtlety that is incomprehensible to the human mind. By employing this attraction formed by the feeling mind, they can manifest themselves in any phenomenon of this world through the tiniest cell that links all Elements, incarnating in a living organism with their feelings. The states spread by this living organism are desired by the spirit of our universal soul the most. Attraction of the spirit of soul that realizes the essence of universality, where the unrestricted prerogative of choice of the human’s soul lies, manifests itself physically in this incarnation. This attraction has been woven into the feelings as a harmonious wish to consciously bring together all heavenly and earthly Elements in itself, while respecting every form of life.