Every ‘Self’ has to be in Heaven or on Earth by free will. A free, conscious right of determination to be born stems from the intention of the spirit accumulated in the molecular structures, the intention which has formed in previous lives, while the place of birth is deter­mined by the desires accumulated by the soul throughout our lives.

The attractions of desires embraced by the soul impel it to focus on the respective environment according to the laws of the subtle world. The human often wonders why he was born in the environment that does not match the new attractions that he is internalizing, but it is the soul that has attracted the environment, surrendering to the laws of life’s consequences which act in Heaven and on Earth – because of the attachment to the values, which it concentrated in itself either consciously or unconsciously during previous lives. The subtle spirit of a human’s soul has chosen the place for its wishes and desires – the body, family, and society, which have matched its expectations in relation to its previous passions, irrespective of their magnitude.


Today, unfortunately, every one of us builds our own personal life, often unconsciously and guided by impulses as well as the attraction of instincts of individual egoism, without taking much interest in what others feel. We should all put effort into talking to the people around us as openly as possible, consciously sharing our own feelings and accumulated abilities, so that we could, by virtue of every individual human’s experience and his shared experience, sooner realize what we are doing and why.


Life is the science of all sciences, and its essence is the change that refines, that teaches the human soul to spread the spirit of concord and light into the world. The light of consciousness is the weapon necessary for the entire world to overcome the darkness of primitiveness. Darkness thrashes around, rages, bites back, tortured by convulsions, while light calmly breaks through the clouds of instinctive attractions that have temporarily gathered above the soul, fighting back new areas with the mere presence of its spirit.


We seek to create harmony of individual understanding by remaining stuck in the bog of our own egoistic instincts. Unfortunately, in this case, the chaos usually continues growing or just takes a different form. Doubtlessly, in fighting against the spirit of chaos created by itself, the soul still refines its spirit, even though very slowly, much slowly than it would have, if it had been guided by the feeling mind that realized itself clearly.