The human realizes the world through consciousness, but changes the world in his subconsciousness, often not realizing this himself – he utters the words as the feeling and the mind are interacting, subsequently performing the respective actions and internalizing the consequences of those actions, constantly making conclusions in his subconsciousness, until he gradually embraces an even clearer feeling of awareness in the state of his soul. Having started to consciously employ the clearly realized feeling, he changes the life values and behaviour in his subconsciousness, consequently changing the world around him. The human who has developed his subconsciousness to a respective level unconsciously approaches the beyond-the-subconscious level of the universal spirit – the spirit of humanity – and feels being a part of it.


During his life on Earth, the human refines the feeling of awareness of the environment by transforming his way of thinking, the feeling of understanding and self-concept regarding the reasons for his existence, developing an even clearer realization of what determines his every single action that he is yet to perform. Being a part of this process of change, he cannot become attached to anything or believe in anything being eternal, because the change in refinement of the spirit of his soul is eternal itself. It is obvious that it is the change that gives meaning to the human’s life, enabling him to be the creator of his own future.