Why do day and night, wind, rain, flora and other manifestations of the natural Elements seem to us to be stable, while our bodies that have the consciousness cultivated by the feeling mind seem so mistrustful and unstable to us? It is probably because our consciousness is still incapable of realizing that the birth and death cycles of the human body are a part of the eternal change of the world’s Elements, Heaven and Earth, creating – unconsciously – the spirit of oneness of unity. It is because of oneness of unity of the mutual interaction among different Elements that humans have the chance to be born in organic bodies that live and feel.

Our inner world is also subject to individual feelings and instincts lying deep in the soul. With the help of the mind refined by all of us, their mutual interaction creates and continuously stimulates understanding of the components of feelings that enable us to develop the feeling mind. The feeling mind refines us. By refining the spirit of our own soul under the conditions of change of the feeling mind (based on the same intertwined patterns of Elements of the integral world), we, together, refine the spirit of our own consciousness, subconsciousness and beyond the subconscious and those of the whole of humanity.


The world treats our yesterday, today and tomorrow as one. It breathes harmoniously by interacting with the Elements that are beyond the control of time which we, humans, have devised. This is similar to every blood cell, be it a blood cell flowing down the heart, head or leg veins, in relation to the entire body. In the same manner, there is no separate past, present and future in the earthly world of Elements and its physically intangible spheres that we live in – the world is just an integral organism living its life and restlessly aspiring to perfection of the divine state together with all humans’ souls.


There is always an interaction between the tangible, visible world and the invisible, subtle world. In this duality, the third develops and is referred to by us as the good of the Holy Spirit or the evil of the evil spirit.


As soon as people start sensing each other’s feelings and caring about the harmony of mutual relationships, the ever-conscious spirit of oneness of unity will start manifesting itself in the world to eventually develop into the state of oneness of unity of the divine spirit. The divine spirit will then appear to the world in a way that will be perceptible for every human’s consciousness. This is the spirit of oneness of unity acting in the dual trinity and leading to Divinity.